Inspired by the artist’s strong family ties and the phrase Hija de Tigre, Tigrita (“daughter of a tiger, little tiger”), this piece features a tiger and cub showing their stripes. Our children reflect us, and we must be conscious of who we are when considering the kind of people we want our children to be.

Hija de Tigre, Tigrita

Acrylic on wood

Rick Garcia

Rick “Save the Panduhs” Garcia is a muralist and designer whose characteristic cartoony style is a trademark of his popular brand, also called Save the Panduhs. His colorful characters can be found not only on walls but on merchandise like bags, shirts, and stickers at pop-up events through Southern California. He has been creating since he could hold a crayon, and revels in having the opportunity to create for a living with help from his biggest inspirations, his wife and daughter. Those strong family ties inform his work, and he finds great joy in painting the animals and characters that his family loves and shares together.